So, why Distressed Stereotype? I have been an audio visual technician for almost eight years now, for five years I was on staff as a video director for a church. Through this experience I have fallen in love with technology and how to utilize technology resources creatively; within a church setting, in the conference world and now in an higher education setting. I have also over time, run into lots of unique perspectives about female techs both in and outside the church. Last quarter at school I was the only female for several of my classes, and most of the time it wasn't a big deal, I got along with most the guys and most of them were supportive and we were able to learn from each other. One situation though that stood out to me happened during the first week of a video production class; After working on a quick shooting assignment during class I was told by a classmate that I should not bother learning to edit or produce and instead I should go become a continuity director because that's just what all females in the industry do.
I wish I could say that had been the first time in my life I had been told I wasn't adequate or I should find a new profession, but it was just one of many times I've heard some version of that remark. You know... as much as I want to be seen as an adequate team member in a production environment, I also can recognize that I thrive a bit on comments like those. I do feel the sting for a bit, but then I usually turn it into motivation for putting out my best work, and I'm proud to say I ended that quarter with the only A in the entire class.
As I was thinking about blog names, and what I wanted to talk about, I really wanted to name my blog shattered stereotype, then two things happened...I looked up the blog name and it's already taken, so bummer on that note. That got me thinking through some alternatives, and I started thinking about what shattered meant, and how it usually indicates broken, right? Well the stereotype is definitely not broken... well not yet, but each of us who takes a stand against a stereotype, no matter if it's being a tech savvy female, or a guy who enjoys dance, or an Asian race car driver, we are contributing to to the breakdown of barriers between humans. We are distressing a stereotype. We are inspiring others with our story and encouraging more diversity amongst the human population.
Each of us who takes a stand against a stereotype, no matter if it's being a tech savvy female, or a guy who enjoys dance, or an Asian race car driver, we are contributing to to the breakdown of barriers between humans. We are distressing a stereotype. We are inspiring others with our story and encouraging more diversity amongst the human population.
My hope is that you will find encouragement to try something new, to share your story and to pass the encouragement along to a fellow human. I will be writing about technology, being an A/V tech, bridging the gap between tech and creatives, college campus tech tips, social justice awareness, and of course being a female in a male dominated industry :)
Thanks for reading! Feel free to comment, give topic ideas you want to see discussed here, or send me an email. I'd love to hear from you!